Barrel Volumenrechner

<script language="JavaScript"> function perRound(num, precision) { var precision = 3; //default value if not passed from caller, change if desired // remark if passed from caller precision = parseInt(precision); // make certain the decimal precision is an integer var result1 = num * Math.pow(10, precision); var result2 = Math.round(result1); var result3 = result2 / Math.pow(10, precision); return zerosPad(result3, precision); } function zerosPad(rndVal, decPlaces) { var valStrg = rndVal.toString(); // Convert the number to a string var decLoc = valStrg.indexOf("."); // Locate the decimal point // check for a decimal if (decLoc == -1) { decPartLen = 0; // If no decimal, then all decimal places will be padded with 0s // If decPlaces is greater than zero, add a decimal point valStrg += decPlaces > 0 ? "." : ""; } else { decPartLen = valStrg.length - decLoc - 1; // If there is a decimal already, only the needed decimal places will be padded with 0s } var totalPad = decPlaces - decPartLen; // Calculate the number of decimal places that need to be padded with 0s if (totalPad > 0) { // Pad the string with 0s for (var cntrVal = 1; cntrVal <= totalPad; cntrVal++) valStrg += "0"; } return valStrg; } // send the value in as "num" in a variable // clears field of default value function clear_field(field) { if (field.value==field.defaultValue) { field.value='' } } // data definitions // variables var i=""; function ClearForm(form){ form.rad1.value = ""; form.rad2.value = ""; form.height.value = ""; form.vol.value=""; form.answer.value=""; } function rad1(rad2, height, vol) { stuff1= eval((3*vol)/(Math.PI*height)); stuff1 = eval((stuff1) - eval(rad2*rad2)); stuff1 = Math.abs(eval(stuff1/2)); stuff1 = eval(Math.sqrt(stuff1)); return stuff1; } function rad2(rad1, height, vol) { inside=eval(3*vol/(Math.PI*height)); inside= eval(inside - 2*rad1*rad1); inside=Math.abs(inside); stuff2=eval(Math.sqrt(inside)); return stuff2; } function height(rad1, rad2, vol) { barheight=(eval(eval(2*rad1*rad1)+ eval(rad2*rad2))*Math.PI); barheight=eval((3*vol)/barheight); return barheight; } function vol(rad1, rad2, height) { p = Math.PI; barvol=eval(eval(2*rad1*rad1) + eval(rad2*rad2)); barvol=eval(height * p * barvol/3); return barvol; } function checkform(form) { if (form.rad1.value==""&&form.rad2.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad1.value==""&&form.rad2.value==""&&form.vol.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.vol.value==""&&form.rad1.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.vol.value==""&&form.rad2.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.vol.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad1.value==""&&form.vol.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad2.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad2.value==""&&form.vol.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad1.value==""&&form.rad2.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.rad1.value==""&&form.height.value=="") { i = 4; return true; } if (form.vol.value==""){ i = 0; return true; } else if (form.rad1.value=="") { i = 1; } else if (form.rad2.value==""){ i = 2; } else if (form.height.value==""){ i = 3; } return true; } function computeform(form) { if (checkform(form)){ if (i ==4) { alert("\n INCOMPLETE DATA! \n Plese complete form first"); } else if (i ==1){ barr1=Math.abs(rad1(form.rad2.value, form.height.value, form.vol.value)); form.rad1.value=barr1; form.answer.value=barr1; } else if (i ==2){ barr2=Math.abs(rad2(form.rad1.value, form.height.value, form.vol.value)); form.rad2.value=barr2; form.answer.value=barr2; } else if (i ==3){ barht=Math.abs(height(form.rad1.value, form.rad2.value, form.vol.value)); form.height.value=barht; form.answer.value=barht; } else if (i ==0) { barvolume=Math.abs(vol(form.rad1.value, form.rad2.value, form.height.value)); form.vol.value=barvolume; form.answer.value=perRound(barvolume); } } return true; } </script>
Barrel End Radius r1 Units
Barrel Center Radius r2 Units
Barrel Height h Units
Barrel Volume Cubic Units
Barrel Volume Rounded Cubic Units

Barrel Volume Calculator, um das Volumen eines Fasses auf der Grundlage von Werten des oberen oder unteren Radius und des mittleren Zylinders des Barrel zu ermitteln. Barrel ist ein großer runder Behälter mit flachen Enden und gekrümmten Seiten.

Barrel Volume Formula & Calculation


Volume = (h * pi * (2 * R1 2 + R2 2 ) / 3)

Barrel Volumenrechner